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Ceph Block Storage Backup And Recovery

One of the most crucial parts while installing a rook ceph cluster comes with having a reliable backup solution, with the ease of restoring those backups in an efficient manner!

For digging into what would be the best players out there, we experimented with the existing backup solutions for Rook Ceph.

This series will take you through some of the best viable backup solutions in hope of avoiding losses and making your lives easier in case of an unfortunate disaster.

There are several kinds of solutions, but we are going to focus on:

  • Ceph features and Ceph native tools
  • Kubernetes native tools and projects

Rook Ceph based Disaster Recovery Solutions

Looking into the first category, based on different workload Disaster Recovery solutions can narrowed down to:

  • Block Storage: RBD Mirroring, which is supported and can be enabled/managed for a Block based persistent volume.
  • FileSystem Storage: Filesystem Mirroring uses snapshots with one way peering for creating a FS based volume backup
  • Object Storage: RGW Multisite support

External Tools based Disaster Recovery Solutions

These can be used to create a snapshot and for the entire application's, Kubernetes resources. The snapshot and export process can be configured for a schedule.

Let us dive into each of these solutions and discuss which would suit your use case best!

Block Storage Backup (RBD Mirroring)

The Block Storage in Rook Ceph cluster exists in form of Kubernetes's PersistentVolumes. To backup these resources we'd be using one of Ceph RBDs feature called RBD Mirroring. RBD Mirroring will asynchronously mirror the RBD images(present in for of PersistentVolumes) from Primary cluster to a Secondary(Backup) cluster.

This makes use of periodically syncing snapshots, based on rbd snap schedule read more.

Configuring Backup

  • On your Rook Ceph Cluster enable RBD mirroring using Rook’s Block based mirroring official doc
  • Check daemon health status for rbd-mirror

    $ kubectl get mirroredpool -n rook-ceph -o jsonpath='{.status.mirroringStatus.summary}'
  • If any issues are found please check the logs and configure the deployment correctly.

  • To make sure mirroring is configured correctly, identify the rbd-image mapped to the csi volume using:

    # extract rbd_image name
    $ kubectl get pv $<rbd_pv_vol> -o yaml | grep image
  • Go to the toolbox pod and check the mirroring status

    $ kubectl exec -it -n rook-ceph deploy/rook-ceph-tools -- bash
    $ rbd mirror image status mirrored-pool/$rbd_image

    For a health state the rbd mirroring status for the image should look like:

      global_id:   05478186-bb6e-4c47-8a3a-da611dabe0a5
      state:       up+stopped
      description: local image is primary
      service:     a on centos-4gb-hel1-7
      last_update: 2022-12-09 09:17:42
        name: e7f2c11a-3cea-436c-aa8b-b8b62f93814f
        state: up+replaying
        description: replaying, {"bytes_per_second":0.0,"bytes_per_snapshot":0.0,"local_snapshot_timestamp":1670577394,"remote_snapshot_timestamp":1670577394,"replay_state":"idle"}
        last_update: 2022-12-09 09:17:48
        9 .mirror.primary.05478186-bb6e-4c47-8a3a-da611dabe0a5.01dfa36d-1963-4536-909a-669be9c1ad51 (peer_uuids:[a692edf 6-bf7c-4bef-aab9-4e4f20530de6])

When mirroring is enabled and working correctly, you should be able to see the mirror persistent volume/ rbd image getting synced from primary cluster to secondary:

On the secondary cluster:

$ kubectl get pv
pvc-b62bf97e-4708-448a-8b04-b5a424034b5f   20Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound      default/rbd-pvc               rook-ceph-block            3d16h

Once we have made sure mirroring is working properly, we can create a snap schedule by running:

$ rbd --cluster site-a mirror snapshot schedule add --pool image-pool 24h 14:00:00-05:00
# check active snap schedule
$ rbd mirror snapshot schedule ls --pool image-pool --recursive

Read more about configuring rbd snap schedule here

Now we have all in place for periodic sync of our block volume in form of rbd snapshots to a secondary cluster

What if something happens to Block Persistent volume on the primary cluster?

Restoring Backed up RBD Persistent Volume

If for any reason the primary goes down/something happens to the PersistentVolume on primary; we can use this failback process to restore the back.

For failback we do the following step by step process using the toolbox pod of respective clusters:

  1. Demote the primary cluster (cluster 1)

    cluster_1 $ kubectl exec -it deployments/rook-ceph-tools -- rbd mirror image demote {pool-name}/{image-name}
    you might observe split brain status momentarily

    cluster_1 $ kubectl exec -it deployments/rook-ceph-tools -- rbd mirror image status {pool-name}/{image-name}
  2. Promote the secondary cluster to be the new primary, this step will make the cluster 1 (old primary) image to sync cluster 2 (new primary)

    cluster_2 $  kubectl exec -it deployments/rook-ceph-tools -- rbd mirror image promote [--force] {pool-name}/{image-name}
  3. And you should be able see rbd image getting synced from cluster2 (new primary) to cluster1 (old primary)

    cluster_2 $ kubectl exec -it deployments/rook-ceph-tools -- rbd mirror image status {pool-name}/{image-name
  4. Once the sync is complete cluster 2 can be demoted and cluster 1 can be promoted back to primary cluster

    cluster_2 $ kubectl exec -it deployments/rook-ceph-tools -- rbd mirror image demote {pool-name}/{image-name}
    cluster_1 $  kubectl exec -it deployments/rook-ceph-tools -- rbd mirror image promote {pool-name}/{image-name}
  5. This completes the restore of failed/ corrupt Block Persistent Volume

    $ kubectl get pv
    Note: The size of the snapshot is expected to be size of the data written in the image.

For a 3 node Rook Ceph cluster, having 10 GB test data on the Block based PersistentVolume.


Block Based Backup uses RBD snapshot diff natively for image mirroring, this will provide higher availability, as secondary cluster can be used when primary goes down, until restore is finished.

Although, this solution will certainly help with backing up Block Volumes in a secondary backup cluster in an efficient manner, there might be some Ceph RBD mirroring concepts you might want to learn with it.

Rook has good documentation around such scenarios as well as planned migration documented here.